Cat Face Latte

I love cats so it's not much a stretch to think I see cats everywhere.

Sometimes they are there. Two of my rescues were hiding when I first saw them, one showing only the tip of an injured paw sticking out from under a planter on my deck.

The other one used to hide under cars in the parking when I walked around our central park so he was always just a dark ghost. The morning I was the last car in the parking lot, I opened my car door to make sure he wasn't under my car. I got to see him quite clearly then, he jumped right in and settled in the passenger side.

As I was walking into a local cafe, The Giddy Goat Coffee Shop in Rolla, MO for a humane society meeting, I thought I saw a familiar shape on the wall. I had to go back later to make sure it truly was what I thought I saw. Suppose it's a latte?

What do you think, can we make something similar in hot chocolate with a marshmallow?
