Pick and Store Basil

Cut the basil above the growing nodes to keep it bushy. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Cut the basil above the growing nodes to keep it bushy. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Pick and Store Basil

Of all of the summer herbs, basil has to be one of the US favorites, I see it offered for sale at most farmer’s markets and growing in friends gardens.

I love the herb myself so I have my own supply growing where it can do double duty, potted in with my tomato plants. Basil plants (Ocimum basilicum) can help tomato plants overcome insects and disease and can improve tomato growth rate and flavor.

Basil is wonderful both fresh in salads and added to a variety of recipes from soups to breads.

I don’t necessarily remember to keep my growing basil pinched so that it grows bushy but that’s one way to extend the life of the herbs.

Plant basil with tomatoes to enhance tomatoes. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Plant basil with tomatoes to enhance tomatoes. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Pinch off the basil above the growing nodes to encourage more bushy growth.

Once cut, wash with spray water and place in vase with water and allow to dry.

Once cut, keep basil in water in a vase. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Once cut, keep basil in water in a vase. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Pop the cuts into a plastic bag and place the vase with basil in a plastic bag into the refrigerator.

Once covered with plastic, store in refrigerator to keep fresh. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wggins)

Once covered with plastic, store in refrigerator to keep fresh. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wggins)

The basil will remain fresh and accessible for your use.


Radish Roses

One of the simplest, and ooh-ed over garnishes I have made are radish roses.

With a little practice, you will quickly be able to cut a radish in half with a circle of triangles that form the flower petals.

You can change the look of the flowers by changing what you plop in the center - here I have a little mayo to balance the radish taste. Favorite salad dressings, dried raisins and mayo/mustard are all other good choices.


Yummy Violets!

Looking for something pretty to spice up your dishes, or a quick dash of vitamins? It could be right out your door!

Wild violets add lovely color to any dish and are high in Vitamin C. They would also make any dish special as a gift from your kitchen.

To pick wild violets for garnish, make sure you're picking wild violets,

or any flowers, from an area that hasn't been treated with chemicals. Pull

gently on the flower stem to remove from the plant without taking out

roots. Wash. Pat dry.

I like to pile several wild violet stems together, keeping flowers on the

same side. My nephew prefers to literally toss his wild violets all over

his plate, giving his dish that extra artsy touch!
